Hello, Over the last couple of months other things in live got higher priority and the amount of time I'm able to invest into Arch Linux shrinks. So after several years I now step down from my post as a TU. I only maintain a small number of packages and for most there are rarely new releases upstream and for the ones with more or less regular releases there sure will be someone to take care of them, however there's one package for which I . mathomatic is a great tool, but its original developer George Gesslein died several years ago and since then the original site vanished. There are sites like launchpad which still provide information about this software, but except for other distributions I never found a site that also provided the code of the last release, so as package source I use a backup of the last release in a github repository in order to be independent of other sites may dropping the tool as currently there's no one who develops this software further. As mentioned there's a launchpad site for the project, but the version provided there is 15.6.5 while the last release was 16.0.5. It would be nice if this package could stay in the repositories. Maybe not just relying on my backup copy on github, but hosting it on our own servers. Best Regards, Thorsten