Em 14-07-2015 07:01, Prakhar Singh escreveu:
You can also limit the number messages a person can post. And +1 for moderation. Apart from spam, people start discussions, chats, etc in comments. There is no way to stop that. And +1 for layered filters. For example, if two people tag each other repeatedly you can flag it as a chat, and so on. The complexity is increasing more and more as suggestions keep coming. I don't want to call this a bike shed yet, but it surely seems to be going to be one.
First of all, this spam problem isn't (yet) a big issue. It might become an issue, and it might not. If it does, then we could start from the simplest solution, a simple spam filter and moderation by the maintainer. Limiting messages should be discussed as a last resort, when everything else didn't worked. Cheers, Giancarlo Razzolini