23 Mar
23 Mar
9:25 p.m.
On 23 March 2013 19:51, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
The voting period has ended. The finally tally was
yes: 12 no: 14 abstain: 4
Quorum has been met. I am sorry to announce that the application has been rejected.
I certainly didn't see this coming: I can't believe so many TUs voted "NO" without expressing the slightest objection or concern in the application thread, except for (extremely influential, apparently) Dave Reisner. @graysky: Please re-apply on June 24th, this must have been a Pentium bug. -- X https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=nous http://tiny.cc/linux-pf