18 Jun
18 Jun
9:57 p.m.
Comrades, Now that Firefox 3 is stable, I think we need to consider cleaning up the packages related to such on the AUR. A lot of these firefox3 ones are no longer needed: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?O=0&L=0&C=0&K=firefox&SeB=nd&PP=100&do_Search=Go For example: arch-firefox3-search - "arch-firefox-search" should be updated for version 3 firefox3-bin - "firefox-official" should do the same thing firefox3-bin-pl - "firefox-official-pl" should be created to replace firefox3-i18n - same.. or maybe a variant of this package should be used rather than language-specific ones firefox3-rc-es - no longer needed Thoughts? Thanks, Slash