Could I please have comments on the below (and attached) PKGBUILD for nixnote2-release-bin. To pre-empt some comments: 1) This will download the latest binary from GitHub. I'm open to a different package name to denote that it's not a '-git' or build-from-latest-source-code, but rather a build-from-latest-binary-release. You may say that building from latest binary release against the packaging guidelines, but I can't see where. Please see prior art regarding this at: 2) There is already a '-git' version of this package, but I want to provide another option which: * Is more stable - based on versioned releases rather than the 'continuous' branch. * Has a quicker install - doesn't require waiting for compiling Question: I've found that even with pointing the .desktop file explicitly at the pathname of the icon, xfce4 still doesn't pick it up. Why not? =============================================================== # Maintainer: Tom Hale <tom[noodle]hale[point]ee> # Contributor: twa022 <twa022 at gmail dot com> OPTIONS=(!strip) # Stripping an AppImage renders it non-functional _pkgname=nixnote2 pkgname=${_pkgname}-release-bin pkgver=2.1.0.beta4 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Evernote clone (formerly Nevernote) - latest binary release' url="$_pkgname" arch=(x86_64) license=(GPL3) depends=(hicolor-icon-theme zlib) makedepends=(git) conflicts=(nixnote2-git) provides=("nixnote=${pkgver%.r*}" "$_pkgname=${pkgver%.r*}") replaces=(nevernote nixnote nixnote-beta) source=("$pkgname:desktop.patch") sha256sums=(4f12cddc49e0c694f41e344acebc0d8a3bce07a3496098eb2fae258ba9044967) noextract=("${source[@]%%::*}") # Don't extract anything _version_file=$pkgname-PKGBUILD-version # For version from the download URL _appimage_path=$(curl -s '' | sed -En 's:.*(/releases/download/v[^"/]+/[^"/]+[Aa]pp[Ii]mage)".*:\1:p' | head -n1) _appimage=${_appimage_path##*/} # basename of AppImage prepare() { wget -N "$url/$_appimage_path" # Only download again if server version is newer # Make download executable chmod 755 "$_appimage" # Extract user resources from inside the AppImage # All files in the directories specified are extracted # Note that --appimage-extract currently doesn't support recursive extraction: # local extract_dirs=(usr/share/applications usr/share/man/man1 usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps usr/share/nixnote2 usr/share/nixnote2/help usr/share/nixnote2/translations) # Due to this issue, all --appimage-extract target directories must already exist # local dir for dir in "${extract_dirs[@]}"; do mkdir -p squashfs-root/"$dir" "./$_appimage" --appimage-extract "$dir/*" done # Save version of extracted files for pkgver() in `makepkg -e` [[ $_appimage_path =~ /releases/download/v([^/]+).* ]] local version=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} echo ${version//-/.} >| "$_version_file" rm -r squashfs-root/usr/share/"$_pkgname"/{java,images} # Remove non-human resources # Directories are extracted with no permissions for group and other. Fix: find squashfs-root -type d -exec chmod go+rx -- {} + # Have the .desktop point explicitly at the icon patch -d squashfs-root/usr/share/applications < "$pkgname:desktop.patch" } pkgver() { cat "$_version_file" } package() { cd "$pkgdir" # User resources cp -pr "$srcdir"/squashfs-root/usr . # AppImage as /usr/bin/nixnote2 for .desktop file install -Dm755 -T "$srcdir/$_appimage" usr/bin/"$_pkgname" } -- Tom Hale