On 20.09.2010 23:11, Peter Lewis wrote:
On Monday 20 September 2010 at 21:56 Thorsten Töpper wrote:
I fully agree with Heiko, there should be no automation at all, the furthest step scripts should do, is to notify us TUs that we should take a look at something and operate accordingly.
I agree too. I do think though that there is room though to standardise some of the processes through the use of scripts / buttons on the AUR (like proposing deletion to the TUs), for example to ensure that package names and links are always in the email and that one of the stated legitimate reasons applies. These should be designed to support the already agreed practice / process.
Hi, i also think automation is not the way to go. but the aur could be a lot more userfriendly. 3 things come to my mind: 1) removal request button - for the mainatiner only. 2) mark as dublicate button - needs 3 (? to prevent abuse) votes from different users 3) orphran request button - needs 1 vote or a percentage of total usage votes - is only available when the package is flaged out of date for 7-14 days. all requests are send to the mailing list. So TUs still have full control, but ist pretty handy for users that are not on the ml. Another thing: Multiple maintainers would be realy nice... although anybody should put more thought into that, as it could easily become pretty messy. Cool think, i just can't make up a usecase for: http://mozillalabs.com/skywriter/ Cheers, Ulf