Hello, I have a problem, when i try to upload any package in AUR here: http://aur.archlinux.org/pkgsubmit.php uploading ends (after ~1 min) by just a blank page. It's AUR bug? I can't update my package about 3 days. I can't upload a new package either. I adopt pcsx-df package, and the sources links in the PKBUILD its broken. This is my PKBUILD: # Maintainer: Jose Valecillos <valecillosjg (at) gmail (dot) com> pkgname=pcsx-df pkgver=1.818 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Debian fork of the abandoned original PCSX" arch=(i686 x86_64) url="http://pcsx-df.game-host.org/pcsx-df/" license=('GPL') depends=('libglade' 'libgl' 'libxv' 'alsa-lib' 'bzip2') makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'mesa' 'diffutils') options=('!libtool') provides=('pcsx') source=(http://pcsx-df.game-host.org/pcsx-df/files/pcsx-df-${pkgver}.tar.gz http://pcsx-df.game-host.org/pcsx-df/files/dfOpenGL-1.1.0.tar.gz) [ "${CARCH}" == "i686" ] && makedepends="${makedepends[@]} nasm" build() { cd ${startdir}/src/pcsx-df-${pkgver} flags="--enable-alsa" if [ ! "${CARCH}" == "i686" ]; then flags="${flags} --disable-nasm" fi ./configure --prefix=/usr $flags make || return 1 make DESTDIR="$startdir/pkg" install cd ../dfOpenGL make clean make || return 1 install -m755 libdfOpenGL.so ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/games/psemu/libdfOpenGL.so } md5sums=('9315b421396a34bfd57be5d25f88dff7' '36ccf31d0b88f099bf4acd6a16b5b04c') -- José Valecillos