On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 09:00:29PM +0200, Ondřej Kučera wrote:
I'm trying to upload and updated PKGBUILD for my package spring-framework but I'm getting the error message "Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed.". I've never seen this before and also this is the first PKGBUILD with package splitting I've ever tried to upload so I guess it may be related (makepkg doesn't complain though). The significant parts of PKGBUILD look as follows:
pkgname=('spring-framework' 'spring-framework-doc') pkgbase='spring-framework' pkgver=3.0.6 pkgrel=1 ... build() { ... } package_spring-framework() { ... } package_spring-framework-doc() { ... }
Am I doing something wrong?
-- Cheers, Ondřej Kučera
Nothing new here. The AUR does not allow split PKGBUILDs. You can work around it, for example, as I have with the pacman-git PKGBUILD: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=29937 d