On 09/30/2016 01:43 PM, Yassine Imounachen via aur-general wrote:
Hello, What are good practices of re-submitting deleted AUR3 packages? Namely 'strongswan-git'.
There are no official good practices, but IMPHO, all packages migrated from the AUR3 (whether deleted or not) *should* have had their history migrated from the aur-mirror archive (assuming a more accurate history didn't exist in the maintainer's control). To that end, I wrote a quick script for importing an AUR3 package, you can see it in my pkgbuilds repo: https://github.com/eli-schwartz/pkgbuilds It isn't very polished, but it is better than nothing. ... Other than my subjective opinion about AUR3 history, the rules for submitting a deleted AUR3 package are of course the same rules as for submitting a brand-new package -- Eli Schwartz