On 08/06/2020 15:08, hashworks via aur-general wrote:
Hello everyone,
My name is Justin Kromlinger aka hashworks and I'm applying as a Trusted User with the sponsorship of Thore Bödecker aka foxxx0 and Christian Rebischke aka shibumi who recently reviewed my AUR packages [1] – thanks for that! Some may know me from freenode#archlinux.de, where I'm lingering since a few years. I am and will be reachable there anytime.
I was born in Germany in 1994. My oldest Arch installation dates back to the month of July in 2015, at least according to my pacman logs. Just a year later I successfully qualified as an IT specialist in application development, together with a (soon to be expired) LPIC-1 certificate. Last year I got my bachelor's degree in informatics in Leipzig (come visit me at the C3!), where I currently study for a master's degree. So you could say Arch Linux accompanied my whole education!
I started my first job at a small web agency as a Developer, but I slowly but surely turned into their System Administrator. At my current job for a larger IT company my external e-mail signature states I'm a "DevOps Engineer" – and while that term is by all means not fully defined, it kinda describes what I do. I create and maintain pipelines (mainly GitLabCI), design deployment processes and try to make our Docker Images a bit saner every day. And since I was able to enforce using Arch Linux on my work ThinkPad the distribution keeps on supporting my life, so I might try to give a little back! While I try to do some FOSS development in Go or – more recently – Rust now and then [2], my free time mostly flows into the maintenance of software and infrastructure for friends and family – and I have to admit that BASH remains my most fluent language.
Regarding my own packages I would like to move filebin and pam-ihosts since I use those on my servers. srrdb-terminal-client is also something I regularly use that I would like to move. Additionally I would like to ask to take over kiwix-desktop of which I maintain the dependency chain (kiwix-lib, libzim and mustache) – and while I'm at it the whole stack (mainly kiwix-tools). Other small packages that would suite Community are mdcat and insect if the current maintainers agree. i3blocks-contrib is another possible candidate, but I would need to request new and frequent releases for that. Out of the orphaned packages the only one I could reasonably maintain is hddtemp (since I still use it).
I quickly looked at your packages and found a few issues: * filebin - the package is not -git but does pull from git master, ideally it would use #commit= and maybe verify the commit if it's signed. source=("git+https://github.com/Bluewind/filebin.git" * srrdb-terminal-client is not reproducible at least not as you embed the build date. https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=srrdb-terminal-client... This can be fixed with using SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH as for example is applied here: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packag... You can check if your package is reproducible by using `makerepropkg`. Greetings, Jelle van der Waa