# Contributor: Storm Dragon <aur@stormdragon.us> pkgname=talking-clock pkgver=20121112 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Highly configurable clock written in bash with soundpack and voice options." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://github.com/stormdragon2976/talking-clock" license=('GPL') depends=('bash') makedepends=('git') optdepends=('espeak: TTS support' 'festival: TTS support' 'speech-dispatcher: TTS support' 'svox-pico-git: TTS support' 'pulseaudio: Chime sound support' 'sox: Chime sound support' 'vorbis-tools: Chime sound support' 'yad: for talking-clock-gui to work') provides=(talking-clock,talking-clock-gui) should be: provides=('talking-clock' 'talking-clock-gui') conflicts=(talking-clock,talking-clock-gui) same remark as before replaces=(talking-clock,talking-clock-gui) same remark as before source=(https://github.com/stormdragon2976/talking-clock) md5sums=('81c45b81f4ce5617a79005e9370a2845') no need for md5sums when using scm
_gitroot="https://github.com/stormdragon2976/talking-clock" i think this should be: _gitroot="https://github.com/stormdragon2976/talking-clock.git" _gitname="talking-clock"
build() { cd $srcdir/
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 01:29:25PM -0500, Storm Dragon wrote: this line is not really needed since the build function will sit in $srcdir already
install -d $pkgdir/usr/bin
msg "Connecting to the Git repository..."
if [[ -d "$srcdir/$_gitname" ]] ; then cd "$_gitname" git pull origin msg "The local files are updated" else git clone --depth 1 $_gitroot fi
move this into a package() function the cloning belongs in the build function
msg "Installing..."
rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build" cp -a "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
why remove and copy the source if you are not building anything ?
cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
if you are not really building this should be cd "$srcdir/$_gitname"
install -d $pkgdir/usr/bin install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/talking-clock install -m755 src/talking-clock $pkgdir/usr/bin install -m755 talking-clock-gui/talking-clock-gui $pkgdir/usr/bin install -m666 README $pkgdir/usr/share/talking-clock install -m755 src/bell.ogg $pkgdir/usr/share/talking-clock
all the install stuff is best run from the package function
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Hi, This is my first package to the AUR. The Arch Wiki says if I am at all unsure to submit my work to the AUR list for review, so, here it is lol. This seems right to me, the only thing I am wondering about is the md5sums part. It pulls from git, so the md5sum seems like it will change with every update. Is there a way to skip the check automatically, or a way to stay up to date with changes in the md5sum? Thanks Storm -- Registered Linux user number 508465: https://linuxcounter.net/user/508465.html My blog, Thoughts of a Dragon: http://www.stormdragon.us/ Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stormdragon2976 "We sail the endless oceans, we sail the raging seas. The quest is never ending, it leads us to destiny." Alestorm- The Quest ^^ gotta love this :)
usually we have an empty md5sums array when using vcs source. just a cosmetic remark, when indenting try to make sure you indent the same amount of spaces everywhere. did you test this pkgbuild ? -- Ike