Hello Trusted Users! I'd like to formally express my interest in becoming a Trusted User. My name is Loui Chang and I've been using Arch Linux for about a year and a half. My alias is louipc in aur/wiki/bugs/bbs/freenode. I'm the current developer of aurbuild and I've also submitted many patches to help improve AUR. I'm generally interested in improving the ways that we build, distribute and manage packages. To be honest, I maintain few packages in unsupported. Most packages I need already seem to be taken care of, so I don't plan on bringing many new packages to community. Here's what I have submitted to AUR: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=louipc&SeB=s Mostly what I offer is this: - Helping to clean up and administer AUR and community. - Help squashing bugs. - Continue developing AUR with the added perspective of a Trusted User. - Take on some packages that are already in community or packages that get dropped from the official repos. Some of my big goals are: - Develop a new system for sharing PKGBUILDs. - Give TUs more direct access and control of that system. - Get every single darn bug closed. I greatly appreciate if you can see a benefit in appointing me as a Trusted User. You guys already seem to do a very good job though. If anyone has packages that they don't really use, please let me know and maybe I can take care of them. :D Cheers!