2009/5/11 Andrei Thorp <garoth@gmail.com>:
Also, despite the mutt way being pretty nice and unixy (letting me script it easily into my window manager and so on), gmail just has an excellent interface with the folding, images, and so on. I hate to not use the classic mail setup everywhere, but it's just not as tidy anymore :/
What do people think on this topic? I personally find gmail to be extremely convenient, but I'm willing to be enlightened otherwise.
I use the gmail interface mostly but keep a backup using offlineimap. In principle it's possible to use mutt+offlineimap but with my slow internet connection it takes quite a while to sync; also offlineimap crashes quite often when trying to download attachments over 5 MB. Earlier I used fdm but that downloaded quite a few mails more than once. -- Abhishek