13 Jan
13 Jan
7:40 a.m.
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 18:29, Thomas SARBONI <maxk69@free.fr> wrote:
Hello all.
Can somedody update these packages:
-haxe -neko -editra -eclipse-pydev
They are all flagged out to date from days (weeks ?)
Thanks a lot.
April -promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre-
Aujourd'hui, Lundi 12 Janvier 2009, il y a 3968 adhérents à l'April. Et vous, où en êtes vous ?
Hi, I am (was) the owner of haxe and neko and simply forgot that they were flagged out of date, and I've been a bit busy lately. In case you want to update them yourself they're orphaned for now... Anders -- Anders Bergh