On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 7:20 AM, solsTiCe d'Hiver <solstice.dhiver@gmail.com>wrote:
hi. there is a ruby-cairo in [community] that exactly looks like (to me) ruby-rcairo found on AUR at http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=8491 this is not my package. May be ask the maintainer of the interest of such a package ?
that's a perfect candidate for deletion. Need to ping maintainer of grism and gruler and ruby-gnome2-all on AUR before the deletion ?
That would be great, in these situations I would just post a comment asking the maintainer if there is any difference with this package and the one in community, there is the possibility that the difference is being overlooked. Then ask the maintainers of the dependencies if they can build and run their packages against the one in community - and if so, request that they update their packages to reflect the dep change. I know that it requires a little more effort, but the end result is much cleaner. -Thomas S Hatch Arch Linux Trusted User