On 8/29/23 00:52, Sean Snell wrote:
Hello, I'd like to start testing my PKGBUILD work with devtools prior to pushing my work to the AUR however I rely on packages based in the AUR for dependencies and when I try to use /extra-x86_64-build/ in the location of the PKGBUILD it works for a bit but then fails because it can't resolve the AUR-based dependency packages. That makes sense as it's replicating the local /makepkg -s/ process, which would also fail if I didn't have those dependencies installed ahead of time.
I normally accomplish this with yay <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yay> then build the PKGBUILD with /makepkg -s/. How do other AUR maintainers traditionally resolve their AUR-based dependencies when working with devtools? I'm not opposed to using yay with devtools if pulling in an AUR wrapper is appropriate; I'd just like to avoid having to manually install a bunch of dependencies by hand before I'm able to test if my PKGBUILD work is sound. Thanks!
To expand on what others have already said, you can achieve this without using any external tools by leveraging some `makepkg`/`pacman` functionality. * You can configure `PKGDEST` in your `makepkg.conf` so resulting packages can all be stored in the same folder of your choosing. * By hosting all the packages in the same place, you can create a local repository by using `repo-add`. * You can edit `pacman.conf` in the pristine chroot to include your local repository. - You can either use a local file path or expose your repository though a web server such as `lighttpd` * Now you can either build and add to the repository any AUR dependencies you don't maintain by building the package through `makechrootpkg` + `repo-add`. - Your other option is to leverage external tools here such as `paru` or `repoctl` to do that for you by configuring them properly.