2009/6/4 M Rawash <mrawash@gmail.com>:
i'd like people with 32bit machines to test http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=26733 for me.
for some reason it gives me a "wrong ELF class" error on my i686 machine, so you'd have to actually run it before you can confirm that it works..
this is now fixed, i realised gtk.so is not compiled at all, rather provided as a 64bit binary file, i had to add a 32bit binary file (276.5 KB) to replace it, i know it sucks, but that's the only way i686 archs can run the application (lua-gtk is completely broken), please read the comments i left on the package page.. i'll try to get the project's dev to include it in the source package by default, in the mean time, enjoy textadept, it's the next great thing! (read documentation :) M Rawash