30 May
30 May
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 1:44 AM, Timofey Titovets <nefelim4ag@gmail.com> wrote:
When yaourt install packages from AUR, he do this steps: [1]. Download archive file with PKGBUILD to install [2]. Extract package and do compile || download & etc [3]. Compress package to install it with using packman [4]. Run pacman [5]. Pacman >extract< files, and install hims.
I think if we can remove [3], this is speed up installing || upgrading process from AUR.
-- Best regards, Timofey.
Compression is not mandatory. I don't to this, I use a tar archive: $ grep PKGEXT /etc/makepkg.conf PKGEXT='.pkg.tar' yaourt is just one of the available AUR helpers. It's not being developed by Arch developers. You can suggest changes upstream http://archlinux.fr/yaourt-en