Hi. I quickly ran namcap over your aur PKGBUILDs. The following cropped up, which you might like to have a look at: ~ namcap-aur-pkgs $(aur-maintainer-pkgs angvp) PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Attempting to use dl sourceforge domain, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Attempting to use specific sourceforge mirror, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead I don't know if these are inherited errors, but anyway, they're there. Best of luck, Laurie 2009/10/10 Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com>:
On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 15:12, Evangelos Foutras <foutrelis@gmail.com> wrote:
Angel Velásquez wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to re-apply to my TU position.
Great! :D