On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:54, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
Pacpan generates a comprehensive "provides" list by cross-referencing all the names and sources and thus includes all alternative names which rely on the same source files. The user has to select the "main" module though and include the comprehensive provides string to avoid overlap, which is why I've sent the full "provides" array for Bundle::LWP to the perl-libwww packager (which should be named perl-bundle-lwp).
Personally I've always found the current behavior very annoying. Why not just generate the arch standard names for the depends array and let the packager work it out if that isn't correct? Defaulting to the standard seems better than defaulting to print everything, most of which gets removed by hand. It's the single biggest peeve I have with pacpan. (Not to say that I don't find it useful.)