On 5/6/19 12:28 PM, Lone_Wolf wrote:
Quoting myself :
On 05-05-2019 00:24, Lone_Wolf wrote:
Whether those PKGBUILDs will be used in future aur mesa-git , exclusively in aur lone_wolf-* packages or not present in AUR at all is a decision TUs must take.
If no decision has been reached by june 3, I'll submit deletion requests for those 6 packages myself.
What decision is there to be reached by anyone? I am a TU and I merely quoted a page off our Wiki to you. Going by that "rule", I don't think lone_wolf-* packages have a place in the AUR. Unless you can figure out a better, fitting name. As it stands i still don't see how these pkgbuilds solve anything. Now, instead of editing one word in the PKGBUILD you supply an env var... -- Rob (coderobe) O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org