Op 13.08.2016 om 21:47 schreef Patrick Eigensatz via aur-general:
Hello folks!
I am a beginner in Arch packaging but I just came to a stable point writing my small systemd journal analyzer and beeing a Arch user for some years now I thought it would be a good exercise for me to write a PKGBUILD for my program and try to upload it to the AUR.
It is now online @ https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qjournalctl/
I followed the wiki guidelines @ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository#Submitting_package...
I read myself into the @ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_packaging_standards and into @ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PKGBUILD
and I tried to follow all the suggestions there and I kept my PKGBUILD as tiny as possible.
I also runned namcap to check my PKGBUILD respectively the generated package. As I had some dependencies (namely qt5-base and gcc-multilibs) I listed them in the PKGBUILD.
I tried to have a look at other PKGBUILDs as well and to compare it to mine but I could not find something which would really differ from my first trial.
Then I read I could ask here for suggestions and improvements. Is there something I didn't do which is e.g. a good habit? Or did I something that I shouldn't have done?
I hope some experienced AUR packagers / TUs can give me a few points I can work on. Feel free to give me feedback on my program as well! ;)
Thank you very much! Patrick
- Remove the "This is an example" text at the top - Quote $pkgdir so the build doesn't fail in directories with spaces - The -jX option is already set in MAKEFLAGS, see makepkg.conf - "install" is commonly used over "cp", as it has more options such as setting permissions - If you use double quotes in the source array, you can substitute variables such as $url People also tend to substitute $pkgname and $pkgver, so all they have to do on an update is change those variables. I'd say this is a thing of preference, though. Alad