On 11/04/2009 05:37 PM, solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote:
hi. there is this package in AUR http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=14621 called virtualbox_bin_additions
but it is severely broken - it uses sudo to mount an iso on a loopback device - it does not create a vboxadd user needed for the vboxadd service
and there already are 2 packages in [community] for additions virtualbox-additions and virtualbox-ose-additions (with virtualbox-ose-additions-modules)
so i think it could better be deleted.
virtualbox-additions, virtualbox-ose-additions and virtualbox-ose-additions-modules can be used _only_ with virtualbox-ose. as i said in the comments, virtualbox_bin provides the iso for additional tools and can be used from virtualbox interface, Device->Install additional tools and then can be mounted inside of vm, along with ./VBoxsomething.run which compiles all the modules and all the stuff that needs to be added. because there is an viable alternative and the build is using sudo i'll deleting right now. -- Ionut