On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 02:31:25PM -0400, Slash wrote:
I'm the original creator of the TS2 and TS3 PKGBUILDs. The reason they are numbered like that (rather than just a "teamspeak" package) is because TS3 was a complete rewrite from TS2. The magnitude of the rewrite was significant enough that people still preferred or, for whatever reason, had to continue using TS2. It's almost like a completely different program, not a simple version bump. There was also a long period of time where the TS3 package was beta, so it didn't make sense to make it the de-facto "teamspeak" package. That being said, at this point, the TS3 package should probably just be called "teamspeak".
However, the creation of the "teamspeak" PKGBUILD was inappropriate. Sabaku should have requested ownership of "teamspeak3", then moved/renamed it to "teamspeak" so two different people aren't maintaining the same software. I believe the package naming scheme is a secondary matter. Users shouldn't be willingly duplicating effort like this ("teamspeak" is a copy of "teamspeak3" with modifications, so ignorance cannot be claimed). We should not be encouraging users to simply clone current PKGBUILDs under a different name because they think it's named wrong. They should open up a discussion on the current package and work it out with the current maintainer. "teamspeak" (the copy) should be deleted from the AUR and the exact naming scheme can be figured out by whoever is left and able to maintain the PKGBUILDs.
Both maintainers have been mailed by me personally, if no response comes from both maintainers within a week time i'll decide to merge teamspeak into teamspeak3 and leave the maintainer as is, if both reply to me and agree who will maintain the package (teamspeak3) it will be so. -- Ike