On 2/7/19 5:38 PM, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:
Hey ho,
On February 7, 2019 11:13:34 PM GMT+01:00, Josef Miegl <josef@miegl.cz> wrote:
I've been trying to improve my AUR packages for the last few days. I'm still a beginner in package maintaining so I would like to have some feedback on some of my PKGBUILDs. I would love to hear everything that is wrong about them. Thanks!
pkgver() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname%-git}" echo $(git describe --always | sed 's/-/./g') }
Please do not use pkgver functions like that, they don't work in vercmp as you would assume. If upstream releases with a fix up version release you gonna end up with a epoch bump.
You could do something like described in the wiki
sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' }
This prefixes the revision count like: 2.0.r6.ga17a017
Which behaves properly.
I would like to add to this, that in addition, there is no need to use: echo $(git describe ... | sed ...) since it is literally the same thing as not using the echo and simply using: git describe ... | sed ... Except not using the echo is a) faster b) as a general scripting practice, advisable due to not reparsing the string, thus introducing modification of whitespace. If you're going to use echo $() then at least quote the "$()". Failure to quote the $() means that echo treats each whitespace-separated string as a separate argument to echo, even if they are separated by multiple spaces, or tabs. Of course, for PKGBUILDs, whitespace is forbidden in pkgver() output. -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User