On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Lukas Fleischer <archlinux@cryptocrack.de>wrote:
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 10:43:20AM -0700, Thomas S Hatch wrote:
I would also ask, is there a way to generate a list of packages that have been flaged out of date for more than n days?
Yes, there is. We did something similar during the last AUR cleanup (about three months ago iirc) to delete all packages that have been flagged for a long time. We also pushed a patch to aur.git [1] that adds out-of-date timestamps to packages in the package details view which might make life for TUs (and users as well) a bit easier (will be in 1.8.0).
There is a feature request for a "Flag for deletion" button [2], feel free to join the discussion in the comments section. I'll look into that later. This probably won't go into 1.8.0 tho.
http://projects.archlinux.org/aur.git/commit/?id=eda713032ce9bed773b6c927b2f... [2] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/16831
Excellent, Thanks Lukas! -Tom