On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Nathan O <ndowens.aur@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:07 PM, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
Nathan O wrote:
I know I looked at the 32bit bundled article, but it didn't mention anything about building AUR packages there.
A chroot behaves like a normal system. You build packages in the chroot the same way you build packages on the normal system, i.e. by creating or copying PKGBUILD and then running makepkg in the same directory.
I wasn't implying that the wiki article had a section that spelt it out explicitly or that everything you needed to know was in that article. What I meant was that you should read up on chroots in general because once you've generally understood them then the answer will become clear.
I think I found a solution that seems to work for how I want it to. First I used an empty /opt/arch32 dir. I copied makepkg.conf and pacman.conf to /opt/arch32 and made sure they use i686. Then I did:
sudo mkarchroot -C <pacman.conf> -M <makepkg.conf> <chrootdir>/root base base-devel sudo
Now I can do makechrootpkg -r /aur -- -i and it creates the i686 package as well. Maybe we could offer this as an option under the wiki?
Sorry forgot to add, to change the options like mkarchroot -C
/opt/arch32/pacman.conf and the other options.