Hi all, I am seeking advice how to write correct PKGBUILDs for cross-compilers. The thing I am not sure about is where to install them. Trouble is that even the binary packages use different locations and I haven't found any other source where to get information from (for example, cross-arm-wince-cegcc-binutils uses prefix /opt/cegcc/ while mingw32-gcc uses /usr). So, which location would you recommend/is better? Another thing - is the correct naming convention 'cross-<arch>-<pkgname>'? I already created/uploaded cross-compiling tools for MIPS (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?O=0&K=cross-mips) before I realized that they might be wrong. I would be thankful for any hints on these as well. Thanks for any suggestions! Regards - Vojta