Am Sonntag, den 05.04.2009, 08:19 -0500 schrieb Chris Brannon:
Stefan Husmann wrote:
the voting period for Defcon has ended, and he did not get the majority of votes. He got four times "yes", eleven times "no" and four abstains. So, that is democracy, but it would be nice if there would be some discussion about the reasons for the failure.
I looked at Defcon's PKGBUILDs. Here's a (hopefully constructive) suggestion.
When applying, point out the work that *you* have done. Mention those packages that you contributed, I.E., those that aren't adopted.
Packages that are not adopted? Well, to find a package that is interesting is not easy, the more so as in AUR are already a lot of packages. So i adopt it, because it is important that the orphaned packages are evolved, i think. It's no use that in AUR are many many packages, and more of them are orphaned.
If you put some serious effort into an adopted package, mention that as well. What have you done that makes you proud? Tell us about it.
Proud? What has that got to do with the price of fish? Arch Linux is a wondeful distro, and i like it to build packages. Ok, some PKGBUILDs here and there needs improvement, but there is nothing that can't be learn. Cheers
-- Chris
-- Jens Maucher <> Gnupg: 44FF54EA Fingerprint: 0E54 F345 E7C9 0295 90F8 2B56 CD9A EE71 44FF 54EA