Hello AUR users, My name is Kevin Morris, also known as kevr. I've been getting interested in possibly helping out more with packages in general. I do not own too many in the AUR myself. Most of them are scripts that I developed and wanted to share with the community. My AUR Packages: - python-paginate - sprunge - sprunge-git - hastebin - hastebin-git - multiwatch I do want to help with more, but most of the things I can think of to add into the AUR already exist. So, I'd like to offer to any maintainers out there who may be interested: If you would like a comaintainer on your package, I am willing to take on that responsibility, as long as it is a package I am comfortable working on. This includes, in general, back-end (non-gui) packages -- especially packages which may serve as some sort of server. API, websites, web frameworks, libraries, and so on. But, I may be open to other kinds of packages as well -- the non-gui would just make testing and verification more simple for me. I definitely have more to learn each day, but I do have a pretty good understanding of the PKGBUILD format and build process as it is; enough that I can package things correctly (I believe; feedback on my current packages is welcome, of course). You can reply here or contact me personally if you wish. Thank you for your time, and thanks for being a part of sharing software with the world. I hope that I can be of some service. Regards, Kevin -- Kevin Morris Software Developer Identities: - kevr @ Libera