Eli Schwartz 於 西元2015年07月23日 23:47 寫道:
On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Ting-Wei Lan <lantw44@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks! After I change the date of the rebased commit, 'git subtree push'
It seems we share a hatred of merge commits. :D Glad to hear you were able to fix the problem without resorting to one.
Yes, I don't like non-needed merge commits, especially a merge commit that really merges nothing.
Yes, I think I should add a pre-commit hook to prevent this problem from
happening again.
That was the first thing I did -- before committing a single package.
I use your pre-commit hook now and it is great. ;-)
But again -- while you are at it, you might want to also use a hook to preformat the commit message. And I have a script that accepts the name of a directory/package and pushes it to the AUR, no need to manual type out `git subtree push -P some-package aur@aur4.archlinux.org:some-package.git master` The only bit that ever changes is the "some-package".
I usually use my bash_history to save typing here -- I keep all commands I typed since the system was installed in bash_history.
I just use `./aurpublish some-package/` and even let bash-completion do most of that! :D It also handles pulling, in case you ever need that -- and one day you might... package adoption comes to mind.
-- Eli Schwartz