Hi all, I used to use Arch a while ago, and packaged quite a few Perl modules [1]. After switching operating systems, I've come back to Arch - and I need to be a good maintainer of my packages :) I remember when I wrote these how frustrating it was manually writing just about every package for the dependancy tree. Personally, I'm of the stance that you should choose one package manager and stick with it - either all CPAN or fully Pacman/AUR. However, I've seen quite a few packages that do not do this. Instead, they rely on the fact that Build.PL and Makefile.PL are both capable of installing dependancies from CPAN. Like I said, I personally don't like this approach of mixing 2 package managers, it just seems like a recipe for confusing both package managers. Could anyone shed some light on what the *correct* procedure is - and also if there any tools out there that will scrape CPAN to build packages, before I write my own (in Perl, of course ;) Thank you! -- Oliver Charles / aCiD2 [1]: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=aCiD2 are my packages if you wish to check them