15 Jul
15 Jul
11:36 p.m.
On Thu 15 Jul 2010 14:11 -0300, Angel Velásquez wrote:
2010/7/15 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>:
So let's start the removal procedure for swiergot (who is pretty dissapeared).
Removal procedure is started, swiergot downgraded as a Normal User for keep sure that he won't vote (Removal procedure states that a TU can't vote against him).
You are wrong to start this removal process. None of those Trusted Users have prevented quorum from being met yet. Please reverse your actions. If you do want to remove them, you should offer some other reason and we need to vote on it, or we could vote on a change to the bylaws to redefine inactivity. Thanks.