Hi, On 29/01/2022 23:27, Ben Denhartog via aur-general wrote:
Hello good people and fellow miscreants,
My name is Benjamin Denhartog, better known as sudoforge [0], and I'd like to formally submit an application to become a TU. I've maintained a few AUR packages for a while now [1], and you've probably seen me around and about in IRC (_mostly_ `#archlinux-offtopic` these days). Both Felix Yan (felixonmars) and Morten Linderud (Foxboron) have agreed to sponsor my application. <snip> Below are some of the things I pledge to do as a TU.
# AUR packages that I'll move to community
Some notes on the proposed packages:
- bazelisk
No offense, but the Github description made me think, "now I have bazel and Golang, now I have three problems".
- buildozer
This seems to not use the AUR bazelisk package for building, but a release from github? Why doesn't it use the AUR package? I myself try to avoid using "advanced" (or hard to read) bash in PKGBUILDs such as here https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=buildozer#n44
- copybara (`copybara-git`) - firebase-tools - google-appengine-go
This depends on python2, something we want to get rid of :)
- google-cloud-sdk - google-cloud-sdk-app-datastore-emulator - google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-java - google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-python - google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-python-extras
These don't seem to be super popular packages, what would be the benefit of having them in the repo? It seems that the Python runtime is python2 something we actively want to get rid off. Secondly why can't it install itself in the proper location /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/$thing?
- kind (`kind-bin`) - ledger-live - ledger-udev - lf
Additionally, I'll be packaging the rest of the `google-cloud-sdk` plugins which are not yet packaged, and I'd love to help co-maintain or adopt Rust or Golang packages, and anything else that strikes my fancy along the way.
# A non-exhaustive list of packages I use and would love to co-maintain
- alacritty - bat - bazel - bottom - buildah - container-diff - crictl - critest - go - gopass - kubectl - kubectx - ledger - neomutt - packer - podman - restic - ripgrep - rtorrent - rust - rust-analyzer - rustup - signal-desktop - unbound - vault - zsa-wally-cli
Sounds good!
# Miscellaneous things I want to do
- Take a look at the TU and maintainer workflows, and automate what can be automated (e.g. onboarding), with the goal of simplifying management of the Arch Linux ecosystem
Cool, the current pain points are that archlinux.org is not on SSO, mailman subscriptions aren't automated for Staff. Help is certainly welcome there, so feel free to drop in #archlinux-devops with questions :) Thanks for applying, Jelle van der Waa