On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 01:35:29AM +0100, Ranguvar wrote:
Hello Archers,
This is Devin Cofer, aka Ranguvar. I'm writing because I have been thinking for a while about applying to become a Trusted User, and I feel that now I have enough basic knowledge of C, Bash, sed, and Perl to apply.
Xyne has kindly agreed to sponsor my application; he will likely reply to this soon. Thanks very much for considering me as a possible addition to the TU team!
-- Ranguvar
Very nice. I like your attitude. I went through the PKGBUILDs in AUR, namcap gives this: PKGBUILD (firefox-pgo-minefield) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (fluxbox-git) E: Backup entries should not have preceding slashes PKGBUILD (fluxbox-git-32trans) E: Backup entries should not have preceding slashes There were also some missing md5sum faults reported, but looking into those PKGBUILDs shows, you use sha256sums. Missing md5sum looks to me as a minor issue then. Not stated in your application, but I would like to know how old are you? Good luck. Cheers, Jaroslav -- Gott ist nur ein erdachtes Wort, die Welt uns zu erklären. -- Alphonse de Lamartine