On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Kessia 'even' Pinheiro wrote:
My name is Kessia Pinheiro (a.k.a even)
I have had a quick look at your PKGBUILDs in the AUR and have a couple of minor comments.
- When you patch a file, you should source the patch from $scrdir rather that $startdir (e.g in ufw you use "patch -p0 -i ${startdir}/lsb_init-functions.patch").
I fixed that, was a distraction. . .
- In the sniffit package, you patch before changing to the source directory. Haven't tested but it looks strange to me.
That was my first package. . . =] But now I changed that little mistake.
- Does ibam really need libstdc++5 ?
I check in docs and test without libstdc++5 and really isn't needed. I corrected that.
- The BSD license is not standard so you need to install it to /usr/share/licenses/$pkgname for each package that uses it
Ok now!
- You have a lot of packages with a "GPL2" license. Are you sure these are not "GPL2 or later" which would mean the license is GPL? They could all be right as far as I know, it just seems an unusually large proportion of you packages.
All packages with GPL2 are explicit in their licenses. Hugo Doria says me to be specific when the software say me the version of the license.
Other than those points, you seem to have all the packaging skills required to be a TU and you have been contributing to the Arch (Brazil) community so I will be pleased to welcome you on board.
Very thanks! We you domain the world someday...! =) Other guy from Brazil will send the proposal soon... Wait more few days. -- Kessia Pinheiro Student at Computer Science - UFBa Trainee with ProCaTI founds - DiSup/CPD - UFBa Contributor in Arch Linux Brasil Project Linux Counter User #389695 - [http://counter.li.org] http://even.archlinux-br.org