I am willing to kill this http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/9765 I have built texlive-bin on i686 a long time ago, and some other TU took care of providing it for Arch64. But recently, to my great surprise, the above bug report was issued. (Quite amazing!) A few days ago I decided to liberate a partition and install Arch64 on it. I must say, it went without a glitch, and from now on I will be able to help keeping x86_64 in sync with i686 (I used Aaron's machine for a while, but for some packages it is not convenient, or even impossible to rely on a chroot). So last night I issued a makepkg for texlive-bin on my arch64 system and went to bed. But this morning I saw that the build had failed. I have a strong intuition that this is related to gcc 4.3, because I have had a similar issue with another package which compiled fine with gcc 4.2.3 on i686 but failed with gcc 4.3. Since I really have no time to investigate the problem and eventually make a patch for gcc 4.3, I would prefer to downgrade to gcc 4.2.3 and try to see if it works. Also, since TeXLive 2008 will be available in about two months, I don't want to spend too much time on the 2007 version. Does anybody have a copy of gcc-4.2.3-*-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz lying in its cache? I guess I'd need the corresponding gcc-libs too. That'd be a great help (well, I hope!) Thanks, Firmicus