Hello again,
This was intended to be a serious question. It's easy to say "oh, I don't like that", but I'd like to know why. I want you to _convince_ me. Proof, examples, etc etc
Browse the AUR comment pages. See how people are advised by TUs or other users to do things better. This kind of contact is it that I want to have. Not all of us are developers, and "uploading stuff" is a contribution! Also bugreporting. Surely, a repo like kdemod may be a bigger one, but also small ones are to be appreciated.
I'm getting lost as to what the point here. We can still advise users about their packages on the AUR. They just can not advise us on our [community] packages without making a bug report. I like that because whenever a user makes a comment on the AUR page that I have to deal with, it requires me to bookmark the page or else it will be forgotten. The bug tracker has a nice feature where I can list all bugs assigned to me, so feature requests/bug reports files there never get lost. Allan