Hi, just enter the folder with you PKGBUILD and type makepkg --source which creates tarball with all files listed in sources=() array. Than upload this tarball to AUR. Dan V. On Friday 14 November 2008 16:10:24 Rorschach wrote:
Hi, I took over the work on the orphaned package jondo (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=17965). Because I already packaged jondo for debian and ubuntu I also want to package it for ArchLinux. Because upstream is just offering the JAP.jar I had to create the man-page, *.desktop file for the menu-entry and the corresponding image by myself.
If I create the package on my system with makepkg everything seems to work fine. All files are installed correctly, everything works as it should,..
But the problem is if I upload the PKGBUILD to AUR just the PKGBUILD-File is uploaded but how do I get the other files uploaded to AUR? I've seen a lot of packages which had other files uploaded like patch-files and so on.. but how do I do it? I can't find anything in the AUR-webinterface about it.
-- --------------------------------- Dan Vrátil progdan@progdansoft.com ICQ 249163429 Jabber progdan@jabber.cz Tel. +420 732 326 870