[aur-general] perl CPAN modules
I was looking at how Gentoo creates packages and I noticed one thing, is that Gentoo, during build, will use CPAN to get the required modules for the package that is being built. I was thinking, I wonder if this could be implemented into AUR?
Excerpts from Nathan O's message of 2010-09-28 22:40:10 +0200:
Is it very different or superior to doing this manually or using CPANPLUS? Example: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/perl-audio-ecasound/perl-audio-ecasound/PK...
Not sure, didn't know if we had a way to do this, so I thought I would bring it up, kinda thought that it would be interesting to add to AUR if we didn't have something similar. On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 3:49 PM, Philipp Überbacher <hollunder@lavabit.com>wrote:
Excerpts from Nathan O's message of 2010-09-28 22:53:45 +0200:
Well, I'm not sure what you mean exactly. I have little experience with perl, but apparently you get sources always from cpan, and what CPANPLUS does is helping you with/automating PKGBUILD writing, dependency resolution and updating, afaik.
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:12 PM, J. W. Birdsong < jwbirdsong@jwbirdsong.homelinux.com> wrote:
Ah Thanks for the pointes, I was hoping I seen a idea that we could use :)
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Nathan O <ndowens.aur@gmail.com> wrote:
I created CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch, a plugin for CPANPLUS that does something similar to what you asked about: using CPAN to create perl packages. This is what Philipp is talking about. CPANPLUS is a program (named cpanp) that you use to install modules from the CPAN (central perl authors network). My module hooks into cpanp to package modules while it installs them. cpan2aur is a utility that I included with the module/plugin that can help to create AUR packages for perl modules. This can help with the PKGBUILD writing and automatically fills in the dependencies. I just wanted to clear up the confusion between terms. The plugin is available as the 'perl-cpanplus-dist-arch' package on the AUR. -Justin
participants (4)
J. W. Birdsong
Justin Davis
Nathan O
Philipp Überbacher