[aur-general] removal request of kio_recentdocument
Hello, Since this feature has been accepted as a part of kde-runtime ( https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/103849/ ; per info: the feature has been renamed "recentdocument*s*:/" instead of "recentdocument:/" ), it makes its package senseless. Could you remove it ? Package name: kio_recentdocument URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kio_recentdocument/ -- Yannick
On 12/04/2012 08:32 PM, Fool Echo wrote:
Since this feature has been accepted as a part of kde-runtime ( https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/103849/ ; per info: the feature has been renamed "recentdocument*s*:/" instead of "recentdocument:/" ), it makes its package senseless. Could you remove it ?
Package name: kio_recentdocument URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kio_recentdocument/
-- Yannick
Removed, thanks. -- Felix Yan Twitter: @felixonmars Wiki: http://felixc.at
participants (2)
Felix Yan
Fool Echo