Re: [aur-general] Orphaning selinux and xen
Hello, adopted SELinux stuff in AUR, I'll dig into it in my free time, so I may be spamming you with my lame questions. Please bare with me. To Sergej Pupykin: Do you have some special notes or knowledge you learned when maintaining SELinux stuff? Greetings, Ondrej Vadinsky
Nicky726 wrote:
adopted SELinux stuff in AUR, I'll dig into it in my free time, so I may be spamming you with my lame questions. Please bare with me.
To Sergej Pupykin: Do you have some special notes or knowledge you learned when maintaining SELinux stuff?
My note is you need separate (virtual) machine to build selinux packages. Because of some apps detect selinux at configure time and then depends on selinux libs, but for AUR it makes no sense I think... Also it would be nice if you create default arch selinux policy) I am not sure if selinux-flex is still needed to build selinux policy.
participants (2)
Sergej Pupykin