[aur-general] Not interested in maintaining gnash anymore
Is anyone interested in taking it from my hands? ---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------- Von: "Community Packages" <bugs@archlinux.org> Datum: 24.02.2014 17:23 Betreff: FS#39000: [gnash-gtk] Needs rebuilt against new version of boost An: <bugs@archlinux.org> Cc: THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE, DO NOT REPLY. The following task has been changed. The changes are listed below. For full information about what has changed, visit the URL and click the History tab. FS#39000 - [gnash-gtk] Needs rebuilt against new version of boost User who did this: Doug Newgard (Scimmia) Architecture: All -> i686 Status: Waiting on Response -> Assigned Severity: Low -> High Assigned To: [-] -> Jan Steffens More information can be found at the following URL: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/39000 You are receiving this message because you have requested it from the Flyspray bugtracking system. If you did not expect this message or don't want to receive mails in future, you can change your notification settings at the URL shown above.
participants (1)
Jan Alexander Steffens