unable to build with makepkg (No such file or directory)
trying to build this https://github.com/matthewq337/auto-fdisk https://bpa.st/H6XQ
Am Sa., 29. Juli 2023 um 17:45 Uhr schrieb james smith < cinemassacres@gmail.com>:
trying to build this https://github.com/matthewq337/auto-fdisk https://bpa.st/H6XQ
Hi James, the error message is more than just "No such file or directory", it also tells you which file or directory is being used. So you should check whether the file is actually there or not. If not, you need to adjust the path in your "install" command! Best, Michael
Hello James, I have revisioned it here https://bin.disroot.org/?015ffca3f47c1fe4#AVwV1EZ9TdDTZDgpu5ryZtVS5m2as3upQB... * path and name for auto-fdisk.sh are incorrect * installed license since isn't a common one * corrected pkgname with -git suffix
Hello, Check your install command and inspect the srcdir to find your problem. Also when posting emails to the Arch Linux mailing list please put a little more effort in, rather than something which is structured like a tweet on twitter. In general a hello, or introduction is nice, and then a signature (it could just be your name), nothing big, but if others are going to put the time into responding to your problem, then you should put more time into your emails. I have a few things I want to point out with the PKGBUILD: - This appears to be a VCS package, using git, thus the package name should be prefixed with -git, please see https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/VCS_package_guidelines for more information about this. - Empty fields can be safely removed, for example makedepends() is not used. However it should be used, as git is not part of base-devel, it must be specified within the makedepends field or this will fail to build in a clean chroot. - depends(sh) is invalid, sh is a symlink: ❯ file /usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/sh: symbolic link to bash bash is included in the base metapackage, thus will be installed on every Arch Linux system, you do not need to worry about the shell dependency here. - pkgver should not contain "source" in it, it should be the output of the VCS version commands, see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/VCS_package_guidelines#Versioning Lastly, it would be appreciated if you send text through your email, or attach the PKGBUILD file to the email, instead of sending a screenshot requiring people to request a file from a remote server, which is privacy invasive (some people do not wish to get request a site just to help you), plus its often harder to help with just screenshots. I hope this email helps. Have a good day, -- Polarian GPG signature: 0770E5312238C760 Website: https://polarian.dev JID/XMPP: polarian@polarian.dev
On Sat, 2023-07-29 at 15:45 +0000, james smith wrote:
trying to build this https://github.com/matthewq337/auto-fdisk https://bpa.st/H6XQ
Hi, your PKGBUILD expects ...src/auto-fdisk.sh-source.r12.1712784/auto-fdisk.sh but the correct path and the filename seem to be different ...src/auto-fdisk/auto_fdisk.sh at least when I run makepkg by using your PKGBUILD ;). Regards, Ralf
participants (5)
Fabio Loli
james smith
Michael Kogan
Ralf Mardorf