Hello Fellow Arch Users, Ya know, we don't always have control over what an upstream project is called. Take for example: The R Project for Statistical Computing http://www.r-project.org/ As can be clearly seen, the project's name is R. Yes, that is a CAPITAL R ! So I've got a PKGBUILD I'd like to upload, but it produces a package called: R-2.9.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz Which includes the projects UPPER CASE NAME. As a supporting note, the source filename is: R-2.9.2.tar.gz This package built and installed nicely here with that name, and seems to be running just fine. So WHY DOES THE UPLOADED PACKAGE NEED TO BE LOWER CASE? I'm not YELLING, really, I JUST HAVE A VERY LOUD VOICE 8-) So, what does the OFFICIAL AUR COMMUNITY think about the name of this package? How do we accommodate case aversion and still spread the power and fun of R to the arch linux world? One last point to note. When searching for, or listing packages, with say: pacman -Q | grep R The upper case REALLY helps overcome listing a bunch of other packages due to the extreme popularity of the lower case 'r'. Any suggestions as to a package name acceptable by the community at LARGE (sorry, I just couldn't hold that one back 8-) would be greatly appreciated. Your's in FUN and Graphics Scripting... android p.s. possible solutions: r-project gnur (gnur, really?) R (hey, why not) ... your suggestion here ...
That was a fun post. :) Farhan Yousaf, MSIA, ISP Sent from my iPhone On 2009-09-25, at 1:55 PM, johnea <me@johnea.net> wrote:
johnea schrieb:
So I've got a PKGBUILD I'd like to upload, but it produces a package called:
Er? pacman -Si r
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 12:55 PM, johnea <me@johnea.net> wrote:
a) r is already in the repos, so your PKGBUILD is duplicating an official package. b) The domain name isn't upper case... c) pacman accepts regular expressions $ pacman -Ss ^r$ extra/r 2.9.1-1 R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics
Aaron Griffin wrote:
a) r is already in the repos, so your PKGBUILD is duplicating an official package.
Very Nice
Of course. How could I have forgotten ^r$? I probably would have found the package before building from source. Oh Well, I'll just move forward knowing I'm the only one with a package name R 8-) Thanks for the info, and all the hard work on ARCH... johnea
participants (4)
Aaron Griffin
Farhan Yousaf
Thomas Bächler