[aur-general] Package deletion request
Hi, Packages with request: -------------------------- derpity-gtk-theme: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/derpity-gtk-theme/ - author changed name to zukitwo - no updates after 2011-05 - page at gnome-looks been deleted - probably some latest changes in gtk3 make it worthless for user -------------------------- linuxdcpp-bzr-pl: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/linuxdcpp-bzr-pl/ - no need after they merged this two branches together -------------------------- gtk2-theme-neutronium: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gtk2-theme-neutronium/ - very old theme, last update 2008-08 - without gtk3 css - page at gnome-looks been deleted - this is hosted by aur after cleenup the some mess in original tar files -------------------------- Have a nice day.
On Sunday, December 30, 2012 12:41:30 PM Krzysztof AS wrote:
Hi, Packages with request:
-------------------------- derpity-gtk-theme: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/derpity-gtk-theme/ - author changed name to zukitwo - no updates after 2011-05 - page at gnome-looks been deleted - probably some latest changes in gtk3 make it worthless for user -------------------------- linuxdcpp-bzr-pl: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/linuxdcpp-bzr-pl/ - no need after they merged this two branches together -------------------------- gtk2-theme-neutronium: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gtk2-theme-neutronium/ - very old theme, last update 2008-08 - without gtk3 css - page at gnome-looks been deleted - this is hosted by aur after cleenup the some mess in original tar files --------------------------
Have a nice day. All removed, thanks.
-- Felix Yan Twitter: @felixonmars Wiki: http://felixc.at
participants (2)
Felix Yan
Krzysztof AS