[aur-general] TU application_R: Metal A-wing (a-wing)
Hi everyone, I'm sorry, my last application was bad a few days ago. I (nickname a-wing) would like to apply to be a Trusted User. Chih-Hsuan Yen (yan12125) && Jiachen Yang (farseerfc) will be my sponsor. Some basic information about myself, My Chinese name is YongXin SHI. I am 23 years old, and I'm living in shenzhen, China. I am a Web Developer. uav cloud management system dev in UAV company. (not DJI) I mainly do programming in Ruby, JavaScript, PHP I use ruby on rails web-application framework Or express.js, Koa.js, and Frontend Single Page Application(SPA)use vue.js I use Chinese and English. My Blog is https://a-wing.top (Chinese) I started using Ubuntu in high school. And I use Debian at university. In 2017, I started Archlinux I also tried other distributions. linux mint, deepin linux, gentoo, centos I think dpkg package manage is too complicated, But .deb init did a lot of things that should not be done For example: Debian (deb) - If install postgresql, dpkg is help init DB to /var/lib/postgres , But I might migrate other databases. - I remember. once I install a dpkg pkg. but Always in the installing. Because detection /dev/** to init. - The complexity of dpkg makes problems difficult to fix manually - Packaging is too complicated, I have never learned how to packaging a standard deb Gentoo - If your computer CPU && mem too little.... _(:з」∠)_ - And C compile, python too coupling Centos (rpm) - No comment Archlinux - Easy to packaging - Makes problems easy to fix manually - wiki is very good About my involvement in Arch Linux, I have 11 packages on AUR [1]. I also maintains 52 packages in the unofficial [archlinuxcn] repo [2]. Also I developped a build status webpage, both the backend and the frontend, for archlinuxcn build server (lilac web status frontend).[3][4][5] About the packages I want to maintain in [community] 1.- ruby-rails - ruby-actioncable - ruby-websocket-driver - ruby-websocket-extensions - ruby-actionpack - ruby-rack-test - ruby-rails-dom-testing - ruby-rails-html-sanitizer - loofah - ruby-crass - ruby-nokogiri - ruby-activejob - ruby-globalid - ruby-activerecord - ruby-arel - ruby-activesupport - ruby-concurrent-ruby - ruby-i18n - ruby-minitest - ruby-tzinfo - ruby-actionmailer - ruby-actionview - ruby-builder - ruby-erubi - ruby-activemodel - ruby-activestorage - ruby-marcel - ruby-mimemagic - ruby-railties - ruby-method_source - ruby-sprockets-rails - ruby-sprockets 2.- ruby-pry - ruby-coderay - ruby-method_source 3.- frp Many Web app rely on ruby-rails: mastodon, discourse, redmine, gitlab(But. gitlab need special version), so I think packaging ruby-rails will greatly benefit arch linux users to do development and deployment on their favorite distro more easily. About frp, I think frp should split as frpc and frps Because. client and server will not be on the same computer I will also take over some packages from Felix Yan - ruby-bundler - trojan Thank you for your attention! [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=a-wing [2] https://github.com/archlinuxcn/repo/graphs/contributors [3] https://build.archlinuxcn.org/packages/ [4] https://github.com/a-wing/KISS2U [5] https://github.com/a-wing/KISS2UI
On 2018/12/27 16:50, Metal A-wing wrote:
Dear All, I confirm my sponsorship for a-wing! I would also want to appologize for the previous application letter. After that I discussed with him about his willingness for this TU application and I can confirm his passion. A-wing is quite active at Arch Linux CN (Chinese) community in recent years on our Telegram group (bridged to #archlinux-cn freenode channel), and from April 2018 as a packager for the unofficial [archlinuxcn] repo. I saw him gaining experience in writing PKGBUILDs and fixing package issues. In this 2018, he was quite passionate about archlinuxcn's build server infrastructure, leading the KISS2U and KISSUI development under the mentorship of lilac's original developer. For some background knowledge, "lilac" is a CI-style building bot running on archlinuxcn's build server, to automatically getting updates from upstreams and build daily packages in [archlinuxcn] repo. Originally lilac is only a crontab service, with building logs sent through emails. Before KISS2UI project, packagers for [archlinuxcn] can only commit on github and have to wait for email notifications to get any bad results. A-wing is quite passionate about improving this workflow, and indeed his KISS2U and KISS2UI provide the [archlinuxcn] packagers a better tool to understand the building status. From this experience of developping KISS2UI, I can also say that A-wing gained a lot of knowledge about PKGBUILD building, nvchecker and devtools knowhows in general. This knowledge will surely help him become a good TU for our [community] repo. About the packages he want to maintain in [community], a-wing have already been testing `ruby-rails` related packages in [archlinuxcn] repo. His discussion of `ruby-rails` in Arch Linux CN telegram group with yan12125 was started from the beginning of this December, and this discussion finally leads to this TU application. Both yan12125 and me agree that having these packages in [community] will benefit the whole Arch Linux, not just the CN community. The relatively low number of Ruby packages (compared to Python ones) also made me believe that having A-wing in our TU team will definitely benefit our community. Besides Ruby, A-wing also showed his skills of python and javascript, because the original lilac codebase is written in python and KISS2UI is a web frontend with heavy javascript usage. From his involvement in discussion on our Arch Linux CN Telegram group, my own impression about A-wing is that, A-wing is the kind of "talk less and do more" type of person. His discussion always focuses on the techical aspect, and seldomly take part in any flamewars, which I think is a precious characteristics on the internet. Both yan12125 and me will be his sponors, and as the recent discussion of TU application process goes, we will take part in the mentorship for A-wing as much as we can. I think the discussion period will begin after yan12125 confirmed his sponsorship. -- Jiachen YANG (farseerfc)
Metal A-wing 於 2018/12/27 下午3:50 寫道:
Dear all, I'm also hereby confirming my sponsorship for Metal A-wing! Besides Yang's supplementary descriptions about A-wing's continuous efforts on establishing a packager-friendly environment via his awesome KISS2U/KISS2UI project, I would like to provide my observations, too. I applied as a member of Arch Linux Chinese community in the same month as A-wing (April 2018). During these months I work together with him (and quite a few other packagers) on maintaining the unofficial [archlinuxcn] repository, I notice that he not only tries his best on maintaining his own packages, but also spends much time on improving overall packaging quality. Concretely, he reports packaging issues and provides possible fixes for packages of other packagers in [archlinuxcn] as well as on AUR, and works with upstream for packaging issues. Recently, the configuration file of lilac (the build bot for [archlinuxcn]) migrates from only one Python file to a YAML file with an optional Python file to allow easier management of packages. During the time he provides many useful ideas and develops some new functions in lilac to make the migration simpler. Above all, his contributions take care of both a global view and details, and thus I believe he will be yet another good source of energy on evolving Arch Linux. So, let the 14-day discussion period begin! Regards, Chih-Hsuan Yen
On 2018-12-27 15:50:49 (+0800), Metal A-wing wrote: then).
About my involvement in Arch Linux, I have 11 packages on AUR [1]. vrzvd 0.0.1 starting up...
* electron-netease-cloud-music * electron-netease-cloud-music.sh: just call `/usr/bin/electron /usr/lib/electron-netease-cloud-music/electron-netease-cloud-music.asar` and remove the rest * electron-netease-cloud-music.png: remove and download from upstream if necessary * pkgdesc: clinet should be client * arch: not set! should be 'any' * license: should be 'GPL3' (see `pacman -Ql licenses`) * depends: single quotes missing * source_x86_64: should be source, don't upload binary data to the AUR, * md5sums_x86_64: should be md5sums * prepare(): use gendesk to create the missing XDG desktop file instead of adding it to the repository * package(): cd to $srcdir is unnecessary, remove commented line installing svg, asar should be called in prepare() to extract LICENSE, LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-actionable * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quote * url: use double quotes and a correct upstream url... ERROR: upstream missing: https://rubygems.org/gems/actionable but part of rails: https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/master/actioncable * license: single quotes missing * depends: differs from rubygems information ( https://rubygems.org/gems/actionable ), single quotes missing * build(): not building from source! * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), MIT-LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-activejob * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quote * url: use double quotes and a correct upstream url... ERROR: upstream missing: https://rubygems.org/gems/activejob but part of rails: https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/master/activejob * license: single quotes missing * depends: single quotes missing * build(): not building from source! * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), MIT-LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-activestorage * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quote * url: use double quotes and a correct upstream url... ERROR: upstream missing: https://rubygems.org/gems/activestorage but part of rails: https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/master/activestorage * license: single quotes missing * depends: single quotes missing * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), MIT-LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-bacon * pkgname: avoid composition * pkgdesc: start with capital letter * arch: single quote * url: use double quotes and a correct upstream url... ERROR: upstream missing: https://rubygems.org/gems/activejob but part of rails: https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/master/activestorage * license: must not be empty! * depends: single quotes missing * build(): not building from source! * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), COPYING can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-erubi * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quote * url: use double quotes * license: single quotes missing * depends: single quotes missing * makedepends: single quotes missing * build(): not building from source! * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), MIT-LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-globalid * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quotes missing * url: use double quotes and a correct upstream url https://github.com/rails/globalid * license: single quotes missing * depends: single quotes missing * build(): not building from source! * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), MIT-LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-marcel * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quotes missing * url: use double quotes * license: single quotes missing * depends: single quotes missing * makedepends: single quotes missing * build(): not building from source! * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), MIT-LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-method_source * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quotes missing * url: use double quotes and source code url: https://github.com/banister/method_source * license: must not be empty! should be 'MIT' * depends: single quotes missing * build(): not building from source! * check(): no check is run * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), LICENSE can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-websocket-driver * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quotes missing * url: use double quotes * license: single quotes missing * depends: single quotes missing * makedepends: single quotes missing * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), LICENSE.md can be installed using 'install -t' * ruby-websockets-extensions * pkgname: avoid composition * arch: single quotes missing * url: use double quotes * license: single quotes missing * depends: single quotes missing * makedepends: single quotes missing * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir), LICENSE.md can be installed using 'install -t'
What do you use to keep up-to-date with upstream releases? Best, David -- https://sleepmap.de
participants (4)
Chih-Hsuan Yen
David Runge
Jiachen YANG
Metal A-wing