[aur-general] Trusted User Application
Hello everyone, I like Arch (and its philosophy) and I'd like to contribute to the development of our community. So, according to above, I'd like to become a Trusted User. And here is some information about me. About me. My name is Evgeniy Alekseev and I'm a PhD student. I'm working in Moscow State University (yep, I'm from Russia =)). My speciality is theoretical and quantum chemistry. At leisure I write small applications on C, C++ and Python (and some application scripts on Shell), link to the github profile may be found below [1]. In order not to seem like a bearded nerd sometimes I listen music and read Robert Jordan's or George R.R. Martin's books (or other similar). =) In the global Internet (including bbs, bugtrackers, freenode, github) I have usually nickname "arcan1s". About my contribution. Unfortunately, I didn't contribute to the development of the Linux community (I didn't commit to kernel repo for example), but I wrote (and writing now) some applications with GPL license, that may be useful for somebody. In some open-source projects I reported bugs (kate-cpp-helper-plugin for example) or even suggested the solution (qmmp-qsmmp). I rarely report bugs, because it is usually difficult to understand is this a bug or a feature. Sometimes (because I'm a little shy) I write in our bugtracker or in mailing lists/IRC channel. I'm maintaining several packages in AUR that may be found on the link below [2]. As you may see, some of this packages is my applications. For some others (such as scidavis, qscite) I wrote patches for correct build. About my Application. I asked Sergej Pupykin if he could be my sponsor and he agreed to do so. I have two laptop with Arch (both are x86-64, but I may install to one i686 system). And on one of those (that used as workstation) I'm actively using testing repo and have a lot of packages installed from AUR. According to list of packages that I'm maintaining (and according to the idea that users should support only those packages that they use) I'd like to maintain scientific applications (mathematics, physics, chemistry, some of biology), KDE-based and some of Qt-based applications. Links: [1] Github (have "pkgbuild" repo): https://github.com/arcan1s?tab=repositories [2] AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=arcanis -- С уважением, Е.Алексеев. Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev. e-mail: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru
On Fri, 27 Sep 2013 23:21:47 +0400 Evgeniy Alekseev <darkarcanis@mail.ru> wrote:
Have a good application || return 1 :) Also please get rid of all those `|| return 1' in your PKGBUILDs, they are no needed anymore since a long long long time. - speps -
On Saturday 28 September 2013 03:02:40 you wrote:
Also please get rid of all those `|| return 1' in your PKGBUILDs, they are no needed anymore since a long long long time.
Yep, Sergej had already told me about it =). I will remove these lines when updating packages. It is because russian page (yes, I was reading russian and english guidelines) in ArchWiki is a little out of date. By a year or two or maybe a little more. =) -- С уважением, Е.Алексеев. Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev. e-mail: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru
On 28 September 2013 03:21, Evgeniy Alekseev <darkarcanis@mail.ru> wrote:
In order not to seem like a bearded nerd sometimes I listen music and read Robert Jordan's or George R.R. Martin's books (or other similar). =)
That doesn't sound any less bearded nerd :P I find you competent enough and feel that you have the right attitude, so good luck! -- GPG/PGP ID: C0711BF1
On 27.09.2013 23:21, Evgeniy Alekseev wrote:
Hi, I just want to confirm that I sponsor this application and start discussion period.
Hi, 1. How long have you been using Linux? When was the first time you met with Arch Linux? 2. Could you list at least three packages that you want to move into the [community] repository? Do you plan to adopt some packages that are currently orphan in the official repositories? -- György Balló (City-busz) Trusted User
Hi On Sunday 29 September 2013 11:20:10 Balló György wrote:
1. How long have you been using Linux? When was the first time you met with Arch Linux?
I'm using Linux about a year and a half. And Arch is my first distro, so I'm using Arch about a year and a half too.
Yes, I plan to adopt orphans from official repos. In the [community], for example, it is some python-* packages may be, such as matplotlib, that I use. Regarding packages from AUR I think they would be qutim, bkchem (I know that its current maintainer is Xyne) and pdfsam. Qutim is a good Qt-based messenger which doesn't depend on DE and it is developed dynamically. Bkchem is the best free software of those that I know for drawing chemical formulas (like ChemDraw), but it didn't update in its repo since January. Pdfsam is a powerful software for working with pdf-files, I think that a lot of people know this. I'm also interested in other packages, such as gromacs (molecular dynamic software), mangler (VOIP client), magma (linear algebra library for GPU), plasmate (IDE for KDE developers), pymol (molecular graphics visualisation) and etc :) -- С уважением, Е.Алексеев. Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev. e-mail: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru
Evgeniy Alekseev wrote:
The current bkchem AUR package points to the latest "pre-release". Our general policy is to limit the official repos to "stable" releases. If you really want to move bkchem into community then I can re-upload the current AUR package as bkchem-rc or bkchem-pre and then merge the current package. Given upstream's inactivity (the pre-release has been out for over a year) I am not sure that moving it into [community] is wise, but I won't oppose it. Regards, Xyne
On Sunday 29 September 2013 16:20:36 Xyne wrote:
Given upstream's inactivity (the pre-release has been out for over a year) I am not sure that moving it into [community] is wise, but I won't oppose it.
I know it, as I wrote above. I described some hypothetical situation and I chose the most of interesting packages (and with a lot of votes) of those I'm using now (of explicitly installed). I hope developers will not abandon this project =) -- С уважением, Е.Алексеев. Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev. e-mail: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru
After quickly skimming through your PKGBUILDs I must say I like them, they are nice and clean. Bonus points for quickly fixing the "return 1" issue. Lukas
On 2013-09-29 12:38 +0200 Lukas Jirkovsky wrote:
I have just taken a look and have some comments: * All path variables ($srcdir, $pkgdir) should be quoted to prevent word expansion (except between double square brackets: [[ ... ]]). * Double square brackets should be preferred over single square brackets for condition testing because the former are both a Bash built-in and they also prevents word expansion. * A minor stylistic comment: there's no need to use "mkdir ... && cd ...". The "&&" is implied between all commands by "set -e" in makepkg. If one command fails, no further commands will be run. Other than that, everything looks good. I like the selection of packages as well. Regards, Xyne
On Sunday 29 September 2013 16:50:59 Xyne wrote:
Ouch. I will fix it soon. However, for most users that use yaourt, for example, (which build in directory with correct path) this should not be a problem. P.S. PKGBUILDs with quotes doesn't seem beautiful in my vim :(. -- С уважением, Е.Алексеев. Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev. e-mail: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru
Evgeniy Alekseev wrote:
I doubt that yaourt is used by the majority. Even if it was, it is an unofficial tool so it should not be considered when determining best practices. Even without yaourt, most users are not affected by this because most users likely build on paths without spaces. Nevertheless, code that fails in valid and foreseeable user cases is bad, even if those cases are closer to the edge.
P.S. PKGBUILDs with quotes doesn't seem beautiful in my vim :(.
Sorry, but code correctness takes precedence over beauty in vim. Try changing your theme ;)
On Monday 30 September 2013 01:28:57 Xyne wrote:
Ouch. I will fix it soon.
So, pkgbuilds were fixed.
Nevertheless, code that fails in valid and foreseeable user cases is bad, even if those cases are closer to the edge.
I understand this. And that's why I tried to correct PKGBUILDs as soon as possible. -- С уважением, Е.Алексеев. Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev. e-mail: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru
Hi, Thanks for applying. I like that you have an interest in the scientific packages, as they could need a stronger representation among the official packages. The PKGBUILD files on AUR don't have that many votes alltogether, but they seem fine. We all have our stylistic preferences. Best of luck, hope to see you on IRC if you become a TU. :) -- Best regards, Alexander Rødseth (xyproto)
On Sunday 29 September 2013 12:38:31 Lukas Jirkovsky wrote:
Thanks. I just thought some of packages those I'm maintaining will may not update for a long time. -- С уважением, Е.Алексеев. Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev. e-mail: darkarcanis@mail.ru ICQ: 407-398-235 Jabber: arcanis@jabber.ru
Hi, I've started voting: https://aur.archlinux.org/tu/?id=72
On 07.10.2013 13:29, Sergej Pupykin wrote:
I've started voting: https://aur.archlinux.org/tu/?id=72
Voting finished Result: Accepted Yes 19 No 6 Abstain 5
participants (8)
Alexander Rødseth
Balló György
Evgeniy Alekseev
Lukas Jirkovsky
Rashif Ray Rahman
Sergej Pupykin