[aur-general] Request: PKGBUILD of python-gnomeapplet
the python-gnomeapplet was a binary package. it was removed for gnome3, since its not compatible. now, I have adopted gnomenu, but in order to fix it I need deskbar-applet and to create a pkgbuild for that one, I need python-gnomeapplet. So, if any of you have access to the pkgbuild of that removed package, it would make it easier for me fixing it. (Im taking the guess TUs may have access to deleted packages from abs, maybe im way off) gnomenu is still useful, among people who dislike gnome3 and still use gnome2 and it is installable under xfce4, and of course, useful for those who like the windows look. (not me, I use ratpoison ;P, but still having the choice is nice) if theres no way to recover that pkgbuild, well, Ill do my own. thanks.
On 11/09/2011 09:14 AM, Christopher luna wrote:
the python-gnomeapplet was a binary package. it was removed for gnome3, since its not compatible.
python-gnomeapplet was in gnome-python-desktop PKGBUILD. it is a split build. http://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/commit/trunk?h=packages/gnome-python-desktop&id=87dc838d976642d50160e86de984bb1ef9daa3ed
in my opinion trying to resurrect dead projects is a no no no. the mint mgse extension has a better solution for gnome-shell. -- Ionuț
but gnomenu is not a dead project, the latest version is from 2011-08-29 of course, I don't think is the best option for gnome-shell users, but it is useful for people NOT using gnome-shell (with the switch to gnome-shell, the gnomenu devs are thinking about focusing on xfce instead, so maybe I will not need gnomeapplet in the future ) anyway, thanks a lot for the link!
participants (2)
Christopher luna
Ionut Biru