[aur-general] Compiz reform
Compiz has been dropped from [community] for over a year. It's time to clean up the fragmented packages. I suggest the following changes: - Merge all 'compiz' packages (compiz, compiz-pure etc.) into 'compiz-core', make that one DE independant. - Create either spinoffs of that package built for DEs (gnome, gtk, kde) or use a split package à la backintime-{gnome,gtk,kde4} (which I prefer) - Standalone decorator packages for gnome, gtk, kde, emerald - Rename plugins from 'compiz-fusion-plugins-*' to 'compiz-plugins-*' following upstream We also seem to have a lot of -dev and -bzr packages for compiz++ (aka compiz 0.9). To me it makes more sense to rename all -dev packages to compiz++, since compiz-0.9 is (or rather, was) the next-gen version of compiz, rather than a development version. Besides that, almost all PKGBUILDs have to be updated to match modern standards. - Florian
participants (1)
Florian Dejonckheere